Abiding in the Son

Abiding in the Son

June 2, 2012″Indwelling heat. Not till the sun enters in, and abides in the soil, not till days and nights are struck through with warmth, is their life and glory. If this be so of the lower physical nature, how much more eminently it is true of the human soul, and of its Sun of Righteousness! It is a gladsome thing in toil and trouble, to have a single bright flash from the face of God. A prisoner in a dungeon may have but one small window, and that far up, and out-of-the-way of the sun, while for months and months not one single day does the yellow sun send one single and solitary ray through the poor little window. But at length, in changing its place in the heavens, there comes a day in which, to his surprise and joy, a flash of light springs through and quivers on the wall. It vibrates upon his heart still more tremulously than on the wall. Even thus much gives joy. It warms nothing, and lights but little; but it brings back summer to his soul. It tells him that the sun is not dead, but walks the heavens yet. That single ray speaks of fields, of trees, of birds, and of the whole blue heavens! So is it, often, in life. It is in the power of one blessed thought, in a truly Christian heart, to send light and joy for hours and days. But that is not enough. It is not enough for Christian growth, or Christian nourishment, that despondency sometimes hopes, and darkness sometimes smiles into light. A Christian is to be a child of light, and to dwell in the light. The whiteness of heavenly robes is the light which they reflect from the face of God. A Christian is to bear much fruit. This he cannot, unless he abides in summer.” – Henry Ward Beecher

I was having a conversation one day with a dear saint of mine. We had gotten on the subject of getting too much sun; Resulting in sun burn. With her having Psoriasis (a terrible skin disease that if left untreated can cause incomprehensible conditions) she was beginning to tell me the best “medicine” In order to “fight” the disease; She had built a dog pin with high fencing with tarps all around blocking out any unwanted viewing of her soaking up the sun in her backyard nude. “It’s the best remedy she was telling me, anytime the sun is out i am out there in my dog pin, it’s just me and God, no one else around.”

Then thoughts started fluttering my mind. How much “sun” are getting? We all don’t have Psoriasis , but we have those struggles in life-like her rashes that come up and are visible to the surface of the skin if we don’t treat them with the Son. Are we letting the Son take care of this before it surfaces? Are we letting that anger control us to the point where we lash out at others around us just because we are stressed out at home? That tongue that speaks lies and is deceiving? To let lust control your eyes? Un-forgiveness towards another? Are we abiding in the Son?

John 15:9 “…abide in my love”
Definition of Abiding – 1. Lasting a long time; enduring 2. To wait patiently; withstand
John 15:4,5 “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.
It’s almost summer, time to start planting those gardens and hoping to bear a lot of cucumbers, tomatoes or anything you like. Have you ever thought about not using any sunlight? Why no! It is Impossible to grow plants without any sunlight, they require the Sun and us humans require the Son.
John 15:6 “If anyone does not abide in me he is thrown away like a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned.”
No Sun, no fruit
Without the Sun, no fruit can be brought forth, without Him in your life, no fruit can be brought forth that is good. Are you bearing good fruit? Are you alive in Him?
Know the Son, have eternal life.
No to the Son, no to eternal life.
John 14:6 “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
We have all tried being the best we can be, but we have all found out, without the help of God, everything is impossible. But with God, anything is possible. Let’s let the Son work in us so He can get the best out of us!
Be Ready, Stay Focused & Never Look Back

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